What I do when I can't sleep? GO ONLINE! lol. My inability to sleep tonight could be I was overexcited by the CNY celebration that just ended few hours ago. Or it could be my happiness that everything turned out great. Or it could be pondering over something that clearly shouldn't be focused over. They say humans ( or it could be just negative people ) are never fully satisfied. They sometimes allow one small unhappy/drawback/mistake/disappointment to affect the overall picture of amazing events that happened. Hm Hm Hmm.. *wonder wonder*
Anyhow, it's such a relief the event turned our great. Yay!! We put so much effort into it. Hoho. If I was an audience that night, I would have damned enjoyed it. I think it's even better than the one in main campus. And this is not a biaz point of view! haha. Because we have limited resources, limited manpower, limited facilities and yet we made the most out of it! haha... fuh.. self gloating.
Alright, I still can't sleep... What else can I write about? *think think*. Okay.. in the process of thinking, my brain is tired already. Goodnight =)